Tuesday, October 26, 2010



1 宝贝儿,这几个字简单上口,易于流传,所以被大部分情侣接受,当之无愧的第一名。

2 乖:衍生用语,乖乖,小乖,乖宝宝,怎么肉麻怎么用。

3 哥哥妹妹:这个好像有点过时,但是在调查中发现,真正的使用过程中,这哥哥妹妹依旧被很多中国情人接受。

4 亲:“亲爱的”的简称,现在正在流行。

5 老公老婆:这本来是很南方化的称呼,北方人一般叫“我爱人”或者“我对象”,但是近十年来“老公老婆”已经成为大部分情侣的常用称呼了,不管结婚没结婚,都喜欢这样称呼,很亲切,而且也代表着对方对两个人关系的一种认同。

6 美女,帅哥,最初认识的时候这个称呼比较得体,不像宝贝那么亲密,但是语气的甜蜜可以带出两个人的心理认同。

7 臭 。情侣之间特别有意思,经常会在称呼前面加一个“臭”字,意为稀罕。比如:臭宝贝,臭老公,臭乖乖,臭臭……

8各种动物:很个性化的称呼,只有两个人自己懂,比如大狗熊  胖头鱼  猪八戒  金丝猴 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Q & A about truly myself

1. Last beverage: water
2. Last phone call: my dear
3. Last text message: 30/9
4. Song stuck in your head: PLKN theme song
5. Last time you cried: the day was so hurt
6. Dated someone twice: no
7. Been cheated on: no
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: yes
9. Lost someone special: YES
10. Been depressed: yes
11. Been drunk and threw up: yes
12. pink
13. white
14. Made a new friend: yes of course
15. Fallen in love: sure
16. Laughed until you cried: nope
17. Met someone who changed you: YES
18. Found out who your true friends were: yes
19. Found out someone was talking about you: yes
20. Kissed anyone on your friend's list accidentally: nope
21. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: so many
22. How many kids do you want to have: 2
23. Do you have any pets: no
24. Do you wanna change your name: nope
25. What did you do for your last birthday: hang out with my dear & best sis
26. What time did you wake up today:11.30a.m
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: super tired
28. Name something you CANNOT wait for: this years birthday
29. Last time you saw your Mother: 3 weeks ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: duno
32. What are you listening to right now:你是我最深爱的人
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: miss someone
35. Most visited webpage: blog
36. What's your real name: Ai Yi
37. What's your nickname: Jenny
38. Relationship Status: in a relationship with my dear>>Andrew Lee
39. Zodiac sign: Libra
40. Male or female: female
41. Elementary school: SJK© Kee chee
42. Middle school: SMKTS(Tunku Sofiah)
43. High school/college: College MCS
44. Hair colour:super black
45. Long or short: Long
46. Height: 159
47. Do you have a crush on someone:no
48: What do you like about yourself:eyes
49. Piercings: yes
50. Tattoos: nope
51. Righty or lefty: right
52. First surgery: no
53. First piercing:8 years
54. First best friend: when i was 6 years
55. First sport you joined in: badminton
56. First vacation: long time ago
58. First pair of trainers: nope
59. Eating: porridge
60. Drinking: milk
61. I'm about to: life
62. Listening to: music
63. Waiting for: Finish study at MCS
64. Want kids: yes
65. Get Married: yes
66. Career: DUNO
67. Lips or eyes: eyes
68. Hugs or kisses: hugs
69. Shorter or taller: taller
70. Older or Younger: younger
71. Romantic or spontaneous: romantic
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: duno
73. Sensitive or loud: duno
74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant:mayb 2 of them
76. Kissed a stranger: no
77. Drank hard liquor: no
78. Lost your glasses/ contact: yes
79. Sex on first date: ???
80. Broken someone's heart: mayb got
81. flirted with a hot guy: no
82. Been arrested: nope
83. Turned someone down: no
84. Cried when someone died: yes..when my father pass aaway…cried in my heart
85. Fallen for a friend: no
86. Yourself:no
87. Miracles: yes
88. Love at first sight: mayb
89. Heaven: yes
90. Santa Claus: no
91. Kiss on the first date: ???
92. Angels: mayb
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: no
95. Did you sing today: no
96. Ever cheated on somebody: no
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go: 1991
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be: 10 SEP 2010
99. Are you afraid of falling in love: sometimes
100. have you ever chaet somebody you love it: no